One of the uses I planned for the device is as a substitute or supplement to my Sony 600 e-reader. I acquire ebooks from public domain sources such as Gutenberg Project, but I also purchase content from both the Sony reader store and from One of the books that I am currently reading on my Sony is Karen Armstrong's "The Spiral Staircase", purchased from Borders. Well, so far I have been unable to get the Borders app for Android to run on my new Archos. The similar apps for Sony and Kindle books both run without a hitch. Most frustrating. I have uninstalled and re-installed numerous times. A couple of times I have even gotten to the Borders sign-in screen, but before I found my login info, I lost the screen and could not get back to it.
Apparently I am not the only one to have this problem. Reviews at AppStoreHQ show several others reporting the same problem. It looks like it showed up after a patch. I believe a patch to the patch may be in order.
Android apps at AppStoreHQ
Anyway, I have not run into any other problems with software that I can think of, off-hand.