This green bar thing has been a random annoyance for a long time, probably since I started using Windows 8. Now that I am in 8.1, the same issue manifested from time to time, but just under threshold for me to try to resolve it. Until today.
In addition to the File Explorer "Green Bar of Death", I was also suddenly having strange problems with my USB hub and USB printer plugged into it.
After a bit of googling around a bit, I came across this thread in the MS Community Forum. Examining my event log, I found the 10010 event id's that ZigZag3143 pointed out in his response in that thread.
I decided to check an external SATA dock plugged into my system. Yesterday I had run into some strange USB issues as well, and even OS crashes after replacing a PCI SCSI card in my box with a four port USB 2.0 card. Well, at present it looks like the problem might have been that I had the eSATA dock plugged into both an eSATA port AND simultaneously plugged into one of the USB ports of the reinstalled card. (After installing the card, I just grabbed all the USB cables dangling around back there and plugged them in, including the superfluous cable plugged into the drive dock that is there just so I don't lose it!) I have now tightly coiled up the cable so that the mistake will not occur again.